New member
Hi everyone,
I’ve on hands this strange case:
Customer came to my store to replace a broken LCD. Nothing difficult, common fix.
After installing the brand new LCD and Lid assembly , the Mac power up and booted normally so I did some fast testing.
Then having momentally trackpad disconnected I decided to shut down pressing power button till it shut down.
After that, nothing. Its dead.
I’ve got 5V and 0.050 on USB-C Multimeter.
After yelling and cursing myself, I taken the board out and start measuring some point:
PPBUS_AON : its jumping to 11.6V to 12.1V every second.
PP3V8_AON : is 3.8V steady
PP5V_S2: Absent
PP5VS2_EN: jumping to 0.06 to 0.20V every second , 376 resistance to ground in diode mode.
PPBUS_5VS2_VIN : is cycling as PPBUS_AON
PP3V3_S2 : 3.3V steady
PPV3_S2_LDO: is cycling 2.0V to 3.2
PPV1V25_S2: on SWV011 : 1.25 steady
Testing another identical working board I have in store, I notice that PP5V_S2 is absent too (probably because LCD and other things are not connected)
After this I start looking for shorted lines:
I found 2 :
PP0V805_S1_VDD_FIXED are shorted to GND with 0.00 Resistance.
This line is coming from U7700.
RF_ANT_0 and RF_ANT_1 are shorted to ground… are supposed to be shorted?? :\
Appreciate your help guys.
Customer is pressing me
I’ve on hands this strange case:
Customer came to my store to replace a broken LCD. Nothing difficult, common fix.
After installing the brand new LCD and Lid assembly , the Mac power up and booted normally so I did some fast testing.
Then having momentally trackpad disconnected I decided to shut down pressing power button till it shut down.
After that, nothing. Its dead.
I’ve got 5V and 0.050 on USB-C Multimeter.
After yelling and cursing myself, I taken the board out and start measuring some point:
PPBUS_AON : its jumping to 11.6V to 12.1V every second.
PP3V8_AON : is 3.8V steady
PP5V_S2: Absent
PP5VS2_EN: jumping to 0.06 to 0.20V every second , 376 resistance to ground in diode mode.
PPBUS_5VS2_VIN : is cycling as PPBUS_AON
PP3V3_S2 : 3.3V steady
PPV3_S2_LDO: is cycling 2.0V to 3.2
PPV1V25_S2: on SWV011 : 1.25 steady
Testing another identical working board I have in store, I notice that PP5V_S2 is absent too (probably because LCD and other things are not connected)
After this I start looking for shorted lines:
I found 2 :
PP0V805_S1_VDD_FIXED are shorted to GND with 0.00 Resistance.
This line is coming from U7700.
RF_ANT_0 and RF_ANT_1 are shorted to ground… are supposed to be shorted?? :\
Appreciate your help guys.
Customer is pressing me