MacBook Pro 820-02841 Not Booting


Machine came in with no booting. Amp Meter rebooting at 5V.
Corrosion on the back side . Entirely at the below area UA200/UA600.
Changed many caps and resistors. Now goes upto 20V and stays there for about 10 seconds and then reboots. Draws 2.9 Amps as well - which is pretty good.
No Mouse Click.
I was checking parts randomly PPVOUT_LUXE_XW diade mode to ground is 0.010. I don't know if its correct.


I remove all. Still short remains. Injected 1V. Short Gone.
Put back all caps. Again short. Injected 1V. Again short gone. Its stable now.
PP3v8_AON was shorted.
Removed RD672. Short at PP3V8_AON_SPMU .
Injected voltage led to U7700 heating up.
PP3V8_AON_SPMU now ok
PP3V8_AON diode mode to ground is 0.159. I think it's shorted. But it is not pulling any amps.
I put back RD672 and tried to boot up but machine now stuck at 5V and 0 amps.
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Not getting PPBUS or 3V8_AON all around 0V to 1V.

Found UP800 to be corroded. Removing it removed the short of PPVOUT_LUXE_XW. Will have to replace this backlight ic.
But board still behaving the same way.
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Staff member
3V8_AON was present when you got 20V input.
So check the job you did on the board.

PPBUS_AON is stable now?
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