No PP1V8_SDRAM Greyed Wi-Fi from drop iPhone 6

Tony Tone

iPhone 6 drop no wifi, no PP1V8_SDRAM. I reflowed the wifi module and now I have PP1V8_SDRAM.
But why? PP1V8_SDRAM does not come from wifi, no shorts, etc.
I know if something was cold jointed in the module and reflowing it would make it work. But why the absence and presence after reflow ???
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Tony Tone

I believe I checked for it on: C1014, C1016, R5208_RF and got nothing, and checked other lines and got what I was expecting. But after the reflow I got the PP1V8_SDRAM measuring correctly. Was just wondering why after? Probes musta been clean.

[Hey, while I got you on the line I copied this off Jesse's Live video she did and I'm dying to know what you mean in RE: to Chestnut & R5202RF] -[Louis Rossmann my tech took Jessa's class and he leaves chestnut and c5202rf on while searching for shorts on vcc_main]