Not charging the battery A1502


New member
Macbook Pro A1502 2015. Board seems to be 820-4924
It sees the battery and shows 3% but when I disconect the magsafe, it shutdown.
J7050 without ac adapter pin 1-9 at 0V
J7050 with ac adapter

pin1 - 12V and comes to 1V softly for 20 seg.
scl and sda - 3.4V

Cannot fund where SYS_DETECT_L goes and if this is the problem.


They are compatible, However i think the 2013/14 model is slightly less capacity or something. Anyhow what i can tell you is a 2015 board charges a 2013 battery just fine.


Why take the chance? Some people say A1496 is compatible with A1405, I have seen enough issues with that. Order the right stuff.


New member
Just now is hard to get 2015 model and pretty easy to get 2014 model. And have 2 different MBP 2015. One charge the battery up to 1V and second one up to 2.9V
So should be battery...


Staff member
If it won't run off the battery but will run off the charger it detects the battery:

99% of the time, bad battery
1% of the time, PP3V42_G3H is present on charger, but not on battery, because resistor feeding PPBUS_G3H to input of PP3V42_G3H regulator is blown.