Oh shit. Are we all finished soon?


New member
Wait till the first class action. Not the first time Applepie tries this shit. The T2 is a step forward tho. Hopefully we get leaks


We were all finished a long time ago. Recent hit of pre 2012 not running Mojave, 2012-2015 macs becoming heavily devalued, 2016+ only physical damage repair and minor LD. Adios mac repair, time to pivot folks. Don't whine in a year or so and say no one told you.


New member
well we run a repair buisness but macbooks make up 2% of our repairs. so not really the only thing to fix out there


New member
We were all finished a long time ago. Recent hit of pre 2012 not running Mojave, 2012-2015 macs becoming heavily devalued, 2016+ only physical damage repair and minor LD. Adios mac repair, time to pivot folks. Don't whine in a year or so and say no one told you.

No I don't think anything that drastic will happen. At least not in such a small time frame.
Also, there is right to repair and class action to factor in.
However, it's a good idea to be developig new skills and services.


Yep, we are over the hill. If you cant see that then, oh wel.....

AST2 has been out for years already. There is someone working on a workaround for this, however your biggest issue is going to be good quality parts, and people like Duke figuring lots of this shit out.

I already do lots of PC board repairs, and IT support to small and medium businesses, so dont rely on mac repairs, but thats all changing too. Why buy and run your own infrastructure,when you can have it all sitting in a rented rack somewhere.

I've looked at car ECU's TCU's. some are repairable, but that stuffs more proprietary than the macs, and most of it is filled with underfill. Good luck scraping away at that.

So whats my plan ? Well, i plan to be doing something completely different in the next 12 - 18 months.


We still got at least 10 more years before we all go homeless or endup working a full time day job not too bad if u ask me. Gives us time to keep building clientel too bad i started late but its pretty cool working on my own terms and working my brain every day. Who knows maybe u all can become electricians or something.


Were you around when the white MacBook seemingly vanished overnight? We used to do 20-40 screens a week on them and inside 2 months the work all vanished after Mountain Lion. You will see the same for any Mac with a DVD drive very very soon. Get a plan now or else. 10 years??? Are you serious? You have months to figure something else out for your rework station to do. Hopefully your plan will have perfect BVs and pdf schematics..... lol.
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to this day people will buy and use 2010 hell even 2009 machines thats close to 10 years now. people can probably still get away with servicing and selling 2012- 2015 machines for another 10 years. plus you never know what can happen if right to repair passes. either way i can still see people doing board repair as a hobby or side hustle years from now.


Here is an example of how the Apple machine convinces our customers that their Mac is garbage:

"I have an older (maybe 7 years) 27" iMac that has become very slow. I have been able to optimize it using CleanMyMac which has helped, but this machine is nowhere near as fast as it once was. Apple has told me I cannot do anything with it, including upgrading to Mojave. My question to you is, can you do anything with this paperweight or am I better off throwing it away? I would consider a memory upgrade and a complete rebuild of the hard drive (possible replace with an SSD) if possible, but only if you are very confident that I will see a noticeable improvement in performance"

What should my response be?

You should replace your HDD with a much faster SSD and upgrade your Ram.


Your GPU is most likely going to fail, the power supply is another point of failure, High Sierra will soon be a pain in the ass because it won't play nice with all of your other Apple gear, half your screen may be dim tomorrow, and in short your 7 year old computer is a now a POS and it's street value is not worth the parts and labor you need to get it working properly again.

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New member
well, repairing PC Laptop isn't bad at all. here in Germany people invest 200€ for a board repair even if it's a 400€ device. . It is not really difficult too: if you have an IO chip failure you just order a new one and program the damn EC bios chip which almost always comes in a good neat soic8 package near the IC. Power rails are not much different, you don"t need donors, you just buy a new chip in a 10x package and in a half a year you're all set. the only thing that bothers me is the lack of boardviews and that almost every boardview i found does not open with Paul Daniel's software.
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