Why aren't 2011 A1286 GPU issues C9560?


New member
Has anybody tried replacing it before, like on the 2010? it seems to be a low value (2.5v) cap like on the 2010.


Staff member
Think about what the issue is with those caps when they die. Unsteady voltage - too low. Slightly lower voltage than what is necessary on framebuffer causes what? Remove the coil from the framebuffer line, attach a power supply to the framebuffer line, watch a youtube video, and slowly lower the voltage on your power supply. When it drops too low, it just dies. No apple logo with checkerboard pattern on the screen, no bootup with funny colors, just death.

The 2011 failure mode is very different from 2010.


Funny this thread came up, It inspired me to replace C9560 on an odd symptom 2011 i had, First i redid the gmux as it seemed to have switching issues. Then the GPU, the machine would boot but crash/shutdown on stress tests. The heat cycles of my rework station seemed to be fixing it. I had the eureka moment as i was reading this, Change C9560 and now it runs rock solid with no random shutdowns or issues!. Thanks!