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  1. rob777

    [SOLVED]820-00165 no g3h

    I swear to god no matter how hard or how long I've been trying I cannot make sense of bloody schematics. It's drives me crazy. Great with hands fkn dumb dumb in my head. Really really wish I was in the states and could go sit with Louis or Jessa for however bloody long it takes.. Anyway can I...
  2. rob777

    [SOLVED]820-00165 no g3h

    just need some confirmation that my brain is working correctly here please. U7090 had very minor liquid damaged. Cleaned and still can't get ppbus_g3h. So no light on charger. After repairing u7090 the charger is very dim for a second only. So I tested for shorts on ppbus g3h. Can't find any...
  3. rob777

    iMac 27in Mid 2010 backlight

    Thanks Louis and Duke, haven't been on here in ages which means somebody is building up his repotoire of knowledge and skill! Anyway am stumped and looking for advice today. Mid 2010 IMac 27in. Backlight is gone however it does randomly come back on for no apparent reason. Then goes off again...
  4. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    One last go... r5281 is 3.4v r5280 is .5v i don't have a working oscilloscope to know if pins 2 of r5280 and r5281 are doing what they are supposed to do right now either. Changed u7000 r5281 and r5280. Something is fucking up the data lines.
  5. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    Changed it, no difference. Got ripped. Sending it back.
  6. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    actually probably try changing u7000 first I reckon
  7. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    Thanks Duke, I think your right, it does seem so.. I'm going with dead, I tested with two working original batteries. Only had a fan, dc port and battery connected too. Probably best off doing an eBay return at this point. It cost me $675AU!
  8. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    So here's an update.. ended up repalacing the board that caught fire. Bought a supposedly working board from eBay, Rnrcomputers to be precise. Long story short. This board doesn't work either. Has no green orange light. Took 3 weeks to arrive and really don't have time to send it back and wait...
  9. rob777


    Thanks Duke.
  10. rob777


    is definitely 3 beeps repeating. 3 long beeps then 3-4 sec gap then same again
  11. rob777


    got a 820-3209 MacBook Air. Doing the 3 sos beeps. Ive spent 30mins measuring all the power rails for ram.. all there. Is this a common problem? I'm stuck again sorry hence the post.
  12. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    can close this. I fkd the board good and proper. Made a fire
  13. rob777

    820-2850 No power. Green light only

    hey guys. Been a while since posting. Must of learnt something! Am now stuck on a old 820-2580 board. Seconds away from giving up and this post is my last resort. PPBUS_G3H is not holding and is always changing values. From around 8v to 12.6v. F7040 is fine and I even changed U7000 off a...
  14. rob777


    Siiiiick fixed it duke!! Found a track on sda line that was inconsistent in diode mode. Made a jumper voila!! Happy days! Really appreciate it again!
  15. rob777


    Need finer tips for my multimeter I think really having trouble measuring pin 17 and 18 of u7100. I didn't trust my first reading. Haven't been able to recreate it and now it seems there is no resistance at all between pin 17 and 18.
  16. rob777


    Thanks mate. I'm in diode mode and when put on pin 17 and 18 of U7100 I get 0.745 (that figure seems wrong so am going back to test again) Pins 4 and 5 of j6950 both show 3.4v
  17. rob777


    Got a 820-00164 liquid damaged laptop off eBay that I'm trying to fix now. Super close to completion but of course I'm stuck somewhere. Laptop was sold not booting liquid damaged as is. I have it booting again and when connected to charger it now works perfect however it will not see any...
  18. rob777

    [SOLVED]820-3462 doesn't see battery

    Bloody excellent! Screw was missing. Took one out another and fixed! A fkn screw tho..... Ffs. You sir are a bloody legend!
  19. rob777

    [SOLVED]820-3462 doesn't see battery

    I'm stuck here. I don't know what to measure. Got a 820-3462 board with not a sceric of water damage to be found under the microscope. Laptop works fine on cord but battery is always showing an X. Tried a new battery and a working second hand battery. Same prob. Power rails exist obviously...