For $29/mo, we provide access to advanced level technicians who will answer your questions on any Macbook board related matter to the best of their knowledge promptly & walk you through how to solve your problem so you can deliver a working board to your customer.
U9080 is still off, i've a replacement on the way from laptop_mb_seller since mouser et. al is out of stock still. No shorts on any inductors or caps anymore.
I have 5v/1.8v/3.3v G3S.
SSD0 shows .9V OK, 1.8V OK, 2.5 missing obviously
SSD1 shows all voltage ok
For a really, really dumb...
Board had water damage near U9080, removed U9080 (it looked awful), and most support components around it. Board pulls 20V from charger but Im getting 11V on PPBUS, 14M resistance to ground when powered off.
Diode red on ground = .391 (after 10 seconds)
I get 20V, seems to pull .8 amps then...
Ah. Thank you 2. First tech sent it thru the buzzy water. I'll put the terminator on it'll probably be fine.
Has anyone else spent over a thousand dollars on a buzzy water machine?
Yep the 3215 was dead. It boots now, but does not see the SSD. p2v7 is missing and p2v7nand_en is missing on pin 15 of u9400. That said, there's damage near Piccolo, is this the signal source?
Every other port does 5v/reboot loop. One CD32 (u3200) just does not seem to make a circuit at all. Is it hard fucked or am I missing something. I tested fuse, looked for obvious shorts.
Also any tips on digging out underfill if I have to replace this?
On boot, the machine is very slow, with the fan on high. Managed to get iStat Menus and it shows missing readings for Bottom Skin, CPU Prox, DDR3 prox, PCH, Right fin stack. No visible corrosion, no evidence of liquid on the bottom cover.
Bottom skin comes and goes, but the rest are always...
I figure this is a long shot but how can I diagnose a suspected dead CPU/GPU on this thing?
Damage around QA340 and it's capacitor buddies on pins 18-23. Replaced all. Damage near mux chip and U7370. Replaced both and buddies nearby.
CPU VCC not present, GPUVCC stable around .9V with...
Spent a good while checking data lines. SMC nets, PCH, everything on page 40, around u3220 and around u7701.
Is there somewhere else i'd be good to check?
BIOS reflashed using known good from your post in another thread. I used a good programmer and verified. Resistors are fine.
I found damage near U3220 and U7701 the first time I looked over it. Replaced those chips outright, cleaned up area, just remembered that. Don't think there's any...
Ah, no chime. No video no usb activity. Wasn't expecting that. I'll check reset circuits and power lines more thoroughly.
3v does not appear at 18/19, no signal at DP_INT_HPD_CONN
Came in with lots and lots of damage near J8300 display connector. Replaced, measured OK, many support components replaced as well. Tested OK on bench, got picture and backlight, cleaned up and ultrasonic'd JUST THAT AREA. 99% alcohol bath in that place and oven.
Retested after 100 C degrees...
Yeah, even tried a reinstall on another hd, smc reset, pram reset, replacing amps again. I have a donor board that I'm going to take measurements from but in the meantime does anyone have any ideas?
OK reassembled now no audio left channel. I replaced both amps and the audio codec chip. I'm getting the chime in the right channel with the same speaker, but no audible sound on the left.
My ocilliscope shows activity on the subwoofer channel during the chime duration oddly. I checked...
Thanks, yeah 3462.... my directory is misnamed!
I put in all 4 screws for the battery, cover included, and now it's fine. I like the interposer board concept but it makes dumb stuff like this possible. Thank you again 2. Has anyone ever bought you a beer for this job?
Was performing mic repair on a fully working board, probe slipped, shorting I THINK the left subwoofer amp to ground or to a power source of another line (I was tired). After removing/replacing both right channel amps the board does not run off of battery but starts up and works normally...