For $29/mo, we provide access to advanced level technicians who will answer your questions on any Macbook board related matter to the best of their knowledge promptly & walk you through how to solve your problem so you can deliver a working board to your customer.
No corrosion visible.
Fan full speed when in case with all peripherals attached.
ppbus_aon 12v
pp3v8_aon 1.8v
pp3v3_aon 3.3v
pp5v_aon 5v
pp1v8_aon 1.8v
Presuming your advise might be to do a dfu restore I checked to see if I can get it into DFO mode....
With 2 microswitches wired to board to...
Yes trackpad is connected and in good shape [no corrosion]. Ordering in a new one overnight just in case.
Because this customer has valuable data and doesn't want me to try a restore.. and as it seems all I am missing is pp1v8_s5 could I force this to 1.8v to get all_sys_pwrgd and hopefully get...
Could I have just a bit more help with it.
The guide doesn't explain how to read for my code 3FFF. Ive tried with batt and without. Lone board or fully connected.
Ive had this MacBook 2 months already and Im trying to get it out before Im away for a month!
The System cannot be restored on this device.
The operation couldn't be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - Failed to handle message
type StatusMsg (Generic error)) [AMRestore ErrorDomain OxFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (-1)
[sys = 0x3F, sub = 0xFFF, code = 0x3FFF (16383)]]
After soldering a switch as suggested I was able to get it into DFU mode at last.
A revive results in the following failure in Step 4 of 4 "Installing system"
The system cannot be rested to this device
AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 filed.
Generic error
Same result after 3 tries
As soon as I plug the charger in it appears in AC2 as Recovery.
Ive tried shorting the SOC_FORCE_DFU to 1.8v but AC2 sees no change from Recovery.
Ive held power, right shift, left control, option for 10 seconds and seen Recovery extinguish and then comes back.
Macbook dead, no visual corrosion.
ppbus_g3h 13v
all_sys_pwrgd 0v
pp1v8_slps2r 1.8v
pp3v3_s5 0.8v (25kohm to gnd)
pp1v8_s5 0v (2kohm to gnd)
ipd_lid_open 1.8v
tried to get into dfu mode with no luck until I replaced ROM now starts up with AC2 showing RECOVERY but revive alway aborts...
No backlight after disconnection of LIO cable.
smc_lid is 0.5v
I removed the pull up resistor R5171 and found the pin of the SMC chip for smc_lid is 18ohms to ground. 0.006v DM
Im guessing this means I need to replace the SMC? Am I correct?
Things are beginning to make sense as this fault was...
I did see a .5v DM measurement on the track to the cpu whilst R7704 was removed indicated an intact ESD diode and thus ok track.
Ive tried a different charger and Im getting a green light now.
So Im left wondering what else can cause bklt_pwm to remain at 0v.
Backlight came on bright after jumping.
I replaced resistor and cap but I am unable to verify continuity of track to cpu as there is no accessible test point at cpu end.
bkl_pwm remains at 0v and image very dim = same as before.
I have to admit also I am currently not getting a light on the...
I have a known good screen connected to the board.
On boot I am getting such a dim display I need to view it perpendicular to the screen to see the faintest image.
pp5v_s0 5v
pp3v3_s0 3.3v
pphv_s0sw_lcdbklt is approx 16v
Current sense starts around 3v and ramps down after a few seconds but...
Just tried a switch with leads - still no luck getting into DFU mode. Verified SOC_FORCE_DFU goes from low to high.
Tried with battery and trackpad connected too.
Ive tried for hours to get it into DFU mode with keyboard commands both inside case and with external keyboards and with battery connected with no luck.
Ive tried jumping SOC_FORCE_DFU (pin 1 R8010) line to PP1V8_SLPS2R (pin 1 C7840) with no luck
Ive replaced one visibly blown CD3217 and reloaded the TBT rom and have both USB C ports now achieving 20volts but thats it - still no boot.
20volts 90mA with battery disconnected.
ppbus_g3h 12.3v
ppvin_g3h_p5vg3s 12.3v
pp3v3_g3h_rtc 3.3v
pp5v_s5_ldo 0v
pp5v_g3s 0v
p5vg3s_en_dly 0v
p5vg3s_en 0v...
Yes Im just after the TBT ROM. Ive looked and looked on the forum having to read every thread after a search on 820-01958.
The search function really lacks the ability to find it.