820-01987 stuck in Recovery


Macbook dead, no visual corrosion.

ppbus_g3h 13v
all_sys_pwrgd 0v
pp1v8_slps2r 1.8v
pp3v3_s5 0.8v (25kohm to gnd)
pp1v8_s5 0v (2kohm to gnd)
ipd_lid_open 1.8v

tried to get into dfu mode with no luck until I replaced ROM now starts up with AC2 showing RECOVERY but revive alway aborts with
System cannot be restored on this device. Failed to handle message type AMRestoreErrorDomain.

Customer doesn't want to lose her data.


As soon as I plug the charger in it appears in AC2 as Recovery.
Ive tried shorting the SOC_FORCE_DFU to 1.8v but AC2 sees no change from Recovery.
Ive held power, right shift, left control, option for 10 seconds and seen Recovery extinguish and then comes back.
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Pressing power button for 5 seconds does cause AC2 to make "Recovery" disappear.
But then "Recovery" reappears without doing anything.


Staff member
Once machine powers off, start DFU sequence immediatelly.
I reecommend you to solder an external switch over SE032.
And maintain it pressed all the time together with power button.
But release it 2-3s after power button.
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After soldering a switch as suggested I was able to get it into DFU mode at last.
A revive results in the following failure in Step 4 of 4 "Installing system"

The system cannot be rested to this device
AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 filed.
Generic error

Same result after 3 tries


The System cannot be restored on this device.

The operation couldn't be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 - Failed to handle message
type StatusMsg (Generic error)) [AMRestore ErrorDomain OxFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (-1)
[sys = 0x3F, sub = 0xFFF, code = 0x3FFF (16383)]]


Could I have just a bit more help with it.
The guide doesn't explain how to read for my code 3FFF. Ive tried with batt and without. Lone board or fully connected.
Ive had this MacBook 2 months already and Im trying to get it out before Im away for a month!


Yes trackpad is connected and in good shape [no corrosion]. Ordering in a new one overnight just in case.
Because this customer has valuable data and doesn't want me to try a restore.. and as it seems all I am missing is pp1v8_s5 could I force this to 1.8v to get all_sys_pwrgd and hopefully get it to boot so I can perform a backup for her? Then I could go with a restore????


Staff member
That is S5 power rail.
I suppose you don't have any S3 and S0 voltages.
You can't improve forcing 1V8_S5.

Check all secondary power rails in diode mode to ground; compare with good board.

Do you get SSD voltages?