Macbook dead, no visual corrosion.
ppbus_g3h 13v
all_sys_pwrgd 0v
pp1v8_slps2r 1.8v
pp3v3_s5 0.8v (25kohm to gnd)
pp1v8_s5 0v (2kohm to gnd)
ipd_lid_open 1.8v
tried to get into dfu mode with no luck until I replaced ROM now starts up with AC2 showing RECOVERY but revive alway aborts with
System cannot be restored on this device. Failed to handle message type AMRestoreErrorDomain.
Customer doesn't want to lose her data.
ppbus_g3h 13v
all_sys_pwrgd 0v
pp1v8_slps2r 1.8v
pp3v3_s5 0.8v (25kohm to gnd)
pp1v8_s5 0v (2kohm to gnd)
ipd_lid_open 1.8v
tried to get into dfu mode with no luck until I replaced ROM now starts up with AC2 showing RECOVERY but revive alway aborts with
System cannot be restored on this device. Failed to handle message type AMRestoreErrorDomain.
Customer doesn't want to lose her data.