820-01598 - 2020 A2159 shorted Internal ssd RIP?


This board was 5V 0A with PPBUS_G3H missing and full shorted to ground. No liquid at all.
Traced back the short to U9080 TPS62180 ssd's regulator, it was visually totally blown.
Once I removed the short on PPBUS_G3H I noticed both SDD nands U8600 and U8700 were totally shorted (very hot):
PP2V5_NAND_SSD0 shorted
R9015 shorted on both sides PPVCCQ_ANI_SSD0 and PP1V8_I0_SSD0
PPBUS_G3H hit probably U8600 and U8700 SDD nands.
I removed them for fun and short went out with board stuck now at 19V 0A, I think the board complains without the nands.

Out of curiosity, are SSD nands replacable on these model if I had ones coming from same board? Or is there some magic mariage between the nands, T2, CPU, bios?
Is there a way to use the board without nands let say for testing purposes with external usb? There is a P2V5 PGOOD signal from U9080 or T2 will stool the missing nands?


Staff member
T2 stores part of its firmare on the NAND chips so they need to be working properly for T2 to boot.
It should be possible to swap the NAND chip and then perform a T2 DFU recovery, but I haven't seen anyone confirm it yet. (no donor boards available for these)


Well, I’ll put it aside in case « one day » I have a an exact matching donnour board, I think it should be the same storage size, otherwise some resistors configuration will have to be modified probably like ram strap resistors in older models.

No big expectations here just experiments.

Thanks as always!