820-02382-16 stuck at 5v, no magsafe light


Staff member
"Check AUX_DET removing Q5216."

The mentioned resistors are 0 ohm value; all of them will get same voltage.
You can't know where it comes from, without removing the resistors.
Each CD3217 chip has a short report output; which should stay at 0V normally.

Any N-channel (low power) MOSFET is good there.


I did not realize you sent the above message, so in the interim I had removed F5201/00 and noticed Q5240 was fluctuating different voltages everytime I reflowed it. Especially pin 4. I don't remember the measurements from yesterday as I did not write them down.
Next I will work on removing the resistors one at a time. Before I do that, what exactly should I be looking for or measuring? I will stick back on the two F5201/00 fuses while doing so, and await your response for the above question.


So I have been removing those resistors 1 at a time, and sticking them back on. I am not sure what exactly I should be looking for. So far, When I removed RH006, I got 0v, then I stuck it back on, and I get the 3.4v. When I took off RH007, I still got 3.4v regardless of it being on or off. What should I be looking for? You wanted me to take one off at a time then stick the resistor back, then go on to the next one if I understood you correctly?


Staff member
AUX_DET should normally have 0V; but you actually get 3V.
Does it drops to 0V removing RH006?
If yes, your problem comes from UF400 channel.
Besure RF402 is good.


RH006 has 0v on pin 2 then 3.4v on pin 1.
RF402 I get 0v on pin 1 and 3.4v on pin 2.
So I should replace UF400?


I just swapped UF400 with a new one. No change. PPVBUS_USBC5 is not getting any power to U5310. Not sure if this matters.
Also, Q5240 when I was reflowing this, I am getting varying voltages from this. Would this affect my problem?
U5300 pins 3 and 4 are 0v.
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Staff member
PPBUS_USBC5 comes from Magsafe 3 connector.

Q5240 is controlled by U5200.
Keep F5200/1 reoved, until get correct voltage on C5250.


Keep F5200/1 reoved, until get correct voltage on C5250.
F5200/1 has been removed, and I replaced U5200 yet again. I got 5.1v going in but again R5215 pin 1 gets that 5.1v too, yet pin 2 get 0v. I am certain I am having some kind of a problem from the Magsafe connector having touched something. Where else should I be looking?
0v on R5330.
C5277 gets 4.4v.
R5275 is getting 4.4v.
C5202 gets 5.1v.


Staff member
Q5216 still killing AUX_DET signal.
Remove RH006 and test connecting charger to another port (not UF400).
You should get C5250 voltage then.


I got voltage on the other side both before and after removing RH006 when using the USB-C charger on the other side of the board like you said. The voltage is cycling from 1.6v to .900v. I still have the two fuses removed F5200/1.


Do you get 1.25V at AUX_DET removing RH006?
Its was not stable, it was going from 1.6v to .900v and it would continue this cycle.
Since I have removed Q5265 trying to isolate this problem and now I am getting a stable 1.325v on pin 3 (CHGR_AUX_DET) of Q5216.
Q5265 pin's 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all now cycling that same 1.6v to .900v.
I also just now removed C5265, C5263, R5265, and R5260.
As soon as I removed the last one being R5265, pin 2 I get 11.8v, pin 4 is 1.7v but seems to keep dropping.
C5278 I get 11.7v but seems to slowly drop.
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Staff member
"R5265, pin 2 I get 11.8v, pin 4 is 1.7v"
These pins MUST have the same voltage.
Also, U5200 can't work properly removing R5260/65.


I placed them all back. including the fuses F5200/1. AUX_DET I get a consistent 1.3v.
One area I have been looking at is SYS_DETECT which has 0v, It doesnt give me anything either when first pluggin in to power via USB-C.
I do get around 3.0v on R5150 pin 1 but it flucuates up and down.
I am at a loss what to look for next?
Q5301 pins 4, 3, 2, and 1 have 0v but pin 5 has 5.1v.
PPHV_DIV Has 0v.
R5512 is 0v
R5308 is 0v.
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Staff member
Keep the fuses out, until get C5250 expected voltage.
Post U5200 basic voltages: P_IN, AUX_DET, SMC_RST_IN, VDDA/P, IRQ_L, EN_MVR, AUX_OK, A/BMON.


Fuses are off.
P_IN= 5.1v
AUX_DET= 1.3v
VDDA/P= 4.4v/4.3v
IRQ_L= 0v
EN_MVR= 0v
AUX_OK= 0v
A/BMON= 0v/0v