It's not stable, it goes from 1.6v and drops to .900v, then back to 1.6v, then just continues this same cycle.And C5250 voltage?
It's not stable, it goes from 1.6v and drops to .900v, then back to 1.6v, then just continues this same cycle.And C5250 voltage?
Yes, I am not finding any kind of short. I took the following measurement for voltage.5V at C5250 can be caused by shorted MOSFETs.
Did you check all above mentioned?
I went back over the mosfets, I was originally having lots of problems with Q5240 and sure enough you were right, pins 1 and 2 were shorted, I replaced this mosfet. I got the 28v on the magsafe and all is booting up! Thank you very much!I hope you've checked for short between MOSFETs pins, not to ground...