820-3437-b sensor issue

hi, i have a 820-3437-b which works fine sometimes and other times it takes too long to turn on from sleep, and from last night it was in my backpack and it kept restarting after few hours by itself and i would hear startup chime two times whenever it restarted. i also ran hwmonitor in it and the heatpipe outgoing air temperature is 129c when its on battery power and as soon i connect charger temperature drops to 23c, and it increases when charger is removed.
it was water damaged macbook.
can anyone tells me where do i start looking for, i have tried finding outgoing sensor but it doesn't say anything like that on schematics
Okay, so i ran asd 3s156 and test failed at
product {test # 14} - sleep/wake 30/60 test
-verifies that a unit can automatically sleep and wake using os sleepx tool with 30/60 settings
ERROR --11[ invalid wake event] --- test failed
Testing failed


That is the OS version. Just run the EFI version of ASD.
I suspect liquid damage on trackpad cable/connector or IO board/flat cable.
That is the OS version. Just run the EFI version of ASD.
I suspect liquid damage on trackpad cable/connector or IO board/flat cable.

i ran efi test and first time it said error on chipset
managment engine presence not found
after that i restarted mac and ran tests again and it passed
i ran asd many times and when charger is not connected test fails at "sensor voltage {vp0r}" sensor is reading below limit, and when charger is connected, the test is passed.