A2337 MacBook Air Trackpad and Keyboard not working 820-02016


i got this device in.
after power on, trackpad and keyboard work normally.

if you close the lid and open it again after about 3 seconds, the trackpad no longer responds, as if dead. also the keybopard no longer works. you have to turn off the device hard and turn it on again, then it works again.

I have already tried a trackpad including cable from a working device but it does not get better.

I have inspected the mainboard, there are no abnormalities.

If I disconnect the keyboard and the backlight cable, the problem still remains.

how do i go about this? i need some help please.


is this possible?

I checked RT330

the value pin 1 open board is 0.209 my is 0.198 seems ok
pin 2 open board shows 0.515 my is 1

i desoldered the resistor and measured it, 98K seems ok. pin 2 on the board, desolderd still shows .500
I soldered it back and now it shows pin 1 0.198 pin 2 0.500

I assembled all together and now its working closing the lid several times , all ok.

is it possible that there was a bad connection? there was no liquid or anything to see


I resoldered UT330 and to be sure UT365

from that moment no problems anymore, my guess like your UT330 had bad solder and from the heat of the soldering RT330 it was again working temporaly.
