health insurance


New member
Louis , even if you take good care of yourself , as you age , there is so many stuff that can go bad , if for any chance you get unlucky you will end up needing more than 30 000 dollars on hospitals , I find this solution : as you age and need more and more doctors I see it all the time on old people they have appointments every week all the time , you can get healthcare from other country where is maybe 10 times cheaper than united states.

unlucky example: appendicitis I got a 22 000 dollars bill like 4 years ago after they take it out , for 2 days at hospital.

I find a solution to that and I didn't pay shit , but im not going to talk about that.

still I belive we need healthcare but as we age , like after 50 , and again by then we should be on another country.


New member
I don't understand why the health system is so expansive in the USA. In Germany the appendectomy costs between 1.500 and 3.500€. A day in the intensive care unit costs about 1.000€. Really expensive are antidotes. A dose antidote for the poison of a snake or spider can cost 10-20.000€/$. And may be you need 5-10 for a treatment.

Well, it's a risk. And Louis manages it his way.


Staff member
I'm fine. My only health "problem" is a degenerative nervous system condition that there is no cure for, just shitty "Reflow dead GPU" like treatments to. So no need pissing money away on healthcare for the rest of it which I handle fine by not being an unhealthy blob.


New member
That would be the shop I work it, all the techs downloaded an app called Pacer to count our daily steps. We created a group on the app and everyday is a competition for who gets the most steps. It's been kind of fun and encourages everyone to be more active.