[HELP]a1990 820-01041 NOBOOT, STRANGE!


Staff member
Do you have 3.3V at both L6960 and L7660?

Check UPC_PMU_RESET signal.
Also check all U7800's SLPS2R and AWAKE voltages; the small coils around it.


3,3 on l6960 and 7660

0v on r6941 (UPC_PMU_RESET)

l7821/22 0v
l7817 0,8
l7816 0,8
l7815 1v
l7814 1v
l7813 1,7
l7806 0,7
l7810 0,8
l7811 0,8
l7812 0,8

xa/xb/ta/tb cc1 0v
xa/xb/ta/tb cc2 1,5v
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Staff member
CC1/2 pins change the voltage, according which direction is connected the charger on the corresponding port.

Check diode mode on all big coils and compare with good board, or refference table.
Don't forget L9080/580.

Try to put the machine in DFU using wire method.


CC1/2 pins change the voltage, according which direction is connected the charger on the corresponding port.

Check diode mode on all big coils and compare with good board, or refference table.
Don't forget L9080/580.

Try to put the machine in DFU using wire method.
you said to check in diode mode, but reference table is in ohm scale

l7410 and l7420 i have 0,2ohm and 0,002 in diode mode

l9080/580 seems fine
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i've done a jumper on swk003 and connected the left port nearest to track pad to my air m1...nothing happen...

i remember you what i 've discovered some post ago:

if i connect the upper left or right port to my mac m1, i receive the message

"impossible to use accessory"

if i try to connect the others two ports, nothing happen


Staff member
"reference table is in ohm scale"
v for voltage readings
d for diode mode readings
Where did you see ohm values mentioned?

If machine is not recognized into DFU, then probably bad T2 chip...


Staff member
Do you know what these values for coils mean???
Don't get confused man.
Internal specifications of the coils, have nothing to see with diode mode (or ohm resistance) to ground.

If T2 gets all SLPS2R and AWAKE required voltage, it should go into DFU.
Be sure to use all steps to enter DFU correctly.


yes sure, but you have asked me to check all coils in diode mode using referance table...in the reference table there is no reference to diode mode for the coils, but for the lines!!!

"If T2 gets all SLPS2R and AWAKE required voltage"

i don't know this voltages....could you help me?

3,3 on l6960 and 7660

0v on r6941 (UPC_PMU_RESET)

you said "Be sure to use all steps to enter DFU correctly"

if i use the jumper, the mac should be directly in dfu right?


Staff member
"asked me to check all coils in diode mode"
We use the coils as test points for the secondary power supplies output!

What do you expect to get in diode mode (or ohm scale), measuring between a coil pins?
The coil is a short in DC mode!

Personally I prefer to solder a small switch (with 5-10cm wires) over the force DFU pads.
Machine should enter to DFU after 5-10s, starting with the switch closed.
If not, force it off (power button) and try again.
Sometime I got in DFU maintaining the switch closed when i forced the machine off.
I fight with an A1949 two days until I got in DFU.
This is not as easy as you think.
Apple did a "good job", for its interest.

Some peoples claimed they couldn't get in DFU with original Apple cables.
Even the macOS installed in the host machine may impede to detect the target machine correctly with AC2.

"0v on r6941 (UPC_PMU_RESET)"
Good enough, we don't want the machine in reset state.


ok just a question....

like i said , i have changed all 4 cd3215...but they where used...

now i would like to mount 4 brand new ic

could i mount 2 at times?

i mean ta / tb...test if ampmeter power on

then xa/xb and test?

ps do you know where can i find resistence to ground for the pads unders cd3215? thanks
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Staff member
You should get similar readings on 01814, even 00850 boards; in the USB-C areas.

Be aware to solder correct CD3215 chips, with the same code termination; C00, A12, B03 not interchangeable.
You can solder and test one by one.


so i have changed again all 4 ic with 4 brand new.

i have check for short every pad, before soldering each ic.

i have soldered the first and checked with ampmetere [email protected]

i have soldered the second and checked with ampmetere [email protected]

i have soldered the third and checked with ampmeter [email protected]

i have soldered the fourth and checked with ampmetere [email protected]

so i don't know what to think or do..

please help me :(

no fan spin no dfu nothing ...
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ps is it normal that i have not resistor r4807 and 4808 in the board?
i have 2ohm resistence on la650 la340 la7231


Staff member
Did you solder the CD3215 chips with correct termination?
C00, A12, B03 are not interchangeable.

If U7800 delivers all required SLPS2R and AWAKE voltages, board should enter DFU.
If not, there is a problem with T2 chip or communication through corresponding DFU port.
If you replaced all CD3215 chips and checked all ports, probably T2 is the culprit.