Phone testing software


New member
Is there a phone hardware testing software like Macbook ASD? I have come across phones that just drain batteries at a speedy rate even on standby mode. I recently got an iPhone 5 replaced by ATT which definitely is a refurbished unit that does that ugh...


New member
I dont know of any for testing like ASD, but many phone like samsung have builtin test tools that u can access via # code in dialer. Locked phone Data recovery, forensic analysis and to some degree testing would be jtag. If any of the jtag manufacturers wanted to start developing testing scenario thru jtag unit, i would assume its possible in some limited scope.

Also as a side note since jtag brings up data recovery and backup outside of full short scenarios; there are backup software and data transfer applications that do this very well if you want to offer pre-repair backup guarantees.


Active member
last thing i got told is that peeps at apple (information from former worker), have a unique kinda of simcard that they put in your phone and that reads out all sensors, but henge if apple will ever give that software.
i gues its a big no for now......


New member
theyll never release. You can cross your fingers and hope that one day some brazen pirate attempts to relieve one from apples tyranny. Then the cloners will do what cloners do best. Until then, discovering this level of interaction, without a deep understanding of the boards underlying logic and proprietary software would take a hole new level of genius to accomplish before the phone is outdated and irrelevant.


Staff member
Nothing we will ever have access to. Just check speaker, mic in apps and on phone calls, and see if it has an IMEI, then done.


Staff member
Wait a second, I reread your original post.

It's either a U2 chip defect or a short on something like audio IC that is pulling power down.

You'll never find software that shows shorts on main power rails. iPhone 5S/6/6S have doable U2 chip, iPhone 5 has it next to the CPU. Being a piece of shit $150 phone from four years ago it's not worth fucking with, too easy to burn the CPU replacing that thing.


Active member
for the iPhone 5 there is a other way of removing the chip.
take the hot air, set at 100 celcius, take a small knife, scratch the top of the chip clean, it is black now but its licht grey shiny when clean
then use the hot air again and clean the black glue around the chip.
then take a soldering iron whit a big tip around the size of the chip.
put solder on the tip and put the tip on top of the chip.
wait a few sec until the chip is hot. very gently use a tweezer to pick up the chip while holding the iron on the chip.
dont pull up the chip but shove it to the simcard reader


New member
iPhones and iPads need a systematic approach and then from experience you learn to look for common failures.
Depleting battery could be bad battery or bad U2 or short. You determine which it is by using a known good battery, measuring consumption during charging, measuring consumption from battery connector without charger, and looking for heat sources and looking out for other symptoms. For example U2 failure has many symptoms. Short to ground has other symptoms. Some common to U2 failure (such as battery depletion), other not (such as heat source which is NOT U2 itself for example).
In essence, nothing so far beats experience + using your brains + a multimeter + a DCPS + IPA + a working board for comparison when it comes to troubleshooting.
And to my knowledge there are no valid software-based diagnostic tools available today. Even if there were, software-based mean you need a phone that boots and communicate with you (power, touch, display) or your computer (all the previous + USB interface) or both, which is not always possible if the phone is not working properly.


New member
Yes Louis, I check the basic functionalities like charging, touch id, cameras, ear and loud spk, proximity sensor, in some cases Siri too on broken screens cause people just pull and tear that mic cause it sticks out when the glass broken in that area! But like some people will be honest and say my phone gets hot and drains the battery when not in use. In such case I am good but most of the people will be like MY PHONE WAS WORKING JUST FINE BEFORE YOU WORKED ON IT!! Oh hahahaha.