[SOLVED]13" Macbook Pro Retina - Early 2013.

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New member
Hi Louis, The computer is working absolutely fine. I run the ASD Test and the sensor did not show up any error. There is one situation that the trackpad does not click. The tap works but the click does not. Could it be the trackpad itself or something else. Can you please advice. Thanks.


New member
Hi Louis, I watched one of your videos in which it is mentioned that the PICKB_L, if it has a low voltage than 3.3 then it is a problem, so I checked the PICKB_L and it is getting 3.3V. Where are the other areas that I can troubleshoot or should I try changing the trackpad to see if it is the trackpad that is giving issues. Please advice.


Staff member
If the trackpad doesn't click, then try a different trackpad.

I want you to do research on the socratic method and study it before coming back to another board!


First check if PICKB_L goes low when you click the trackpad. If not then inspect the cable/connector for corrosion. If that looks ok then replace trackpad.


New member
Hi Louis / Duke and everyone in the forum. The trackpad was changed and the computer worked absolutely fine. CASE SOLVED. Thank you everyone once again for all your support.
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