Unit posts but display stays black. Checked with flashlight but can't see anything.
Tested with another screen and same issue.
Still new at this so tracking an issue through the schematics is still a little difficult. That said I took the following readings:
Pin 1: 0.53mv and dropping constantly (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 2: 0.26mv and dropping constantly (same value as pin 1 when I check back and forth) (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 3: 12.46 v (correct)
Pin 4: 12.57 v (correct)
Pin 5: 0.36 mv and dropping constantly (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 6: 0.26 mv and dropping slowly (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 1: 0.18.1 mv steady (measured at C7710 pin 1) (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 2: 0.15.8 mv steady (measured at probe point above it) (should be 45V?)
Pin 1: 0.08.4 mv
Pin 2: 0.08.3 mv
Pin 3: 0.07.5 mv slowly rising
Pin 4: 0
Pin 5: 0.11.8 mv slowly rising
Unsure what any of these should read as schematic doesn't mention voltages. I am assuming pin 5 should shoot out 40+V?
Unable to read, I ordered better multimeter probes from Louis' site
Pin 1: 0 (should be 55V?)
Pin 1: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 2: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 1: 0 (can't find what this should read)
Pin 2: 5 (correct)
Pin 3: 5 (correct?)
Pin 4: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 5: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 6: 0
Pin 1: 5 v (correct)
Pin 2: 4.80 v (correct?)
Lots of question marks as I am not experienced enough to be certain about anything.
At this point I start to lose track a little. Am I going in the right direction/measuring the relevant points?
I would like to find a solution at some point but today I'm just trying to learn how to read the roadmap better/properly
Tested with another screen and same issue.
Still new at this so tracking an issue through the schematics is still a little difficult. That said I took the following readings:
Pin 1: 0.53mv and dropping constantly (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 2: 0.26mv and dropping constantly (same value as pin 1 when I check back and forth) (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 3: 12.46 v (correct)
Pin 4: 12.57 v (correct)
Pin 5: 0.36 mv and dropping constantly (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 6: 0.26 mv and dropping slowly (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 1: 0.18.1 mv steady (measured at C7710 pin 1) (should be 12.6V?)
Pin 2: 0.15.8 mv steady (measured at probe point above it) (should be 45V?)
Pin 1: 0.08.4 mv
Pin 2: 0.08.3 mv
Pin 3: 0.07.5 mv slowly rising
Pin 4: 0
Pin 5: 0.11.8 mv slowly rising
Unsure what any of these should read as schematic doesn't mention voltages. I am assuming pin 5 should shoot out 40+V?
Unable to read, I ordered better multimeter probes from Louis' site
Pin 1: 0 (should be 55V?)
Pin 1: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 2: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 1: 0 (can't find what this should read)
Pin 2: 5 (correct)
Pin 3: 5 (correct?)
Pin 4: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 5: 0 (should be 5V?)
Pin 6: 0
Pin 1: 5 v (correct)
Pin 2: 4.80 v (correct?)
Lots of question marks as I am not experienced enough to be certain about anything.
At this point I start to lose track a little. Am I going in the right direction/measuring the relevant points?
I would like to find a solution at some point but today I'm just trying to learn how to read the roadmap better/properly