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I got this board repair witch original issue was full shorted PP1V_PCH_REG_R. Traced that up to the PCH. Customer stated liquid damage but I don't see liquid anywhere.
I replaced the PCH and short gone, cleaned also ME.
When I power up the board I get 20V 90mA. I am missing PP3V3_SUS.
At U8200...
Yes i tried removing them but nothing change.
With original shorted chips 8GB Micron, straps conf are1 1 so R1490 and R1491 were no stuff on the board.
With Hynix chip 8GB, strap conf for CFG1 CFG0 according to the chart in page 3 of schematic are 0 0, witch means to me signal low asserted so I...
On the working donnour board, even without the 2 ddr chips I notice voltage on L7819-20-21-22. PP3V3_S5 of course present.
On the faulty board, I have the idea to replace U7800 because it outputs PP3V3_S5 but I don’t have a strong reason to assume it is faulty. As it maybe just need to satisfy...
I saw this post snd wanted to share an experience with these models:
Usually non compatible trackpad or non compatible daughter board or both will 100% cause A and D keys missing.
Specially between Air A2179 intel and Air A2337 M1.
I think it’s valid also for keyboard but I don’t remember...
This board came with no liquid damage. It was stuck at 5V. Noticed a short on the PP1V1_S3 it was coming right from U2300 ddr chip.
When I removed the shorted chip the short was gone, I had to replace both of them as it was Micron 8GB ddr and I had only Hynix 8GB ddr known working donnour.
I replaced the only two stuffed I/V sensors, replaced also U9080 and I9000 but no change.
I tested also with a known working topcase and battery and no change. Ultrasoniced as last resort to see if any improvment but still nothing.
I think it's time to stop spending time on this one, we can't...
Fan spins normally and cpu is normal warm.
Launching the diagnostic mode seems to take forever, after 1 hour it still increasing the time remaining, 2h, 6h, 9h, 16h, 24h, now it hangs on 24h remaining I don't see any improvment...
I will inspect again corrosion in general and near sensors...
I completed a dfu restore, now it boots to internet recovery but it is still super slow, the trackpad is not fluent and image is refreshing very slow from apple logo to internet recovery to wifi network selection...It takes more than 30 minutes just to accept wifi password, same thing with...
This liquid damage board was not powering on.
PPBUS_G3H rail was fluctuating between 12,56V and 12,23V and PP5V_G3S was following the same patern between 5V and 4,89V.
I cleaned/reflowed U9080 and U9000 area and compared some diode value with samet esting board.
After that 12,56V became stable...
Lid signals (AMR_LEFT_OR_ND_1V8 and AMR_RIGHT_OR_ND_1V8) are ok with 1.54V, it seems a bit off but normal after comparing with other board, machine also comes back normal when lid is opened/closed.
I solved it, finally, it was a mistake on my end...U5700 with pins 27 and 28 bridged underneath...
Hello 2informaticos,
This board was liquid damaged, with shorted P5V_PS2 line at U5700, shorted UP710, burned LP670 due to the screen and burned trace related to backlight ic UP800. Even the screen was not powering on because internal lcd IC chip was shorting PP5V_SW_LCD.
I was able to fix all...
I have already tested it without anything plugged in, I have 20V 0.650A on usb-c meter and CPU core voltage always comes on 0.965V, but it is brain dead.
I don't know if I try another T2 ROM image, but I think the one I have must be good if I can perform the complete dfu restore process.
There was no important data and I did a restore via dfu. All process went ok but still laptop is not booting...
The strange thing is when I turn it off with power button, it turns off but will restarts on its own...
I have no more idea
Ok some progress to report: after a dfu I tried the revive option and now I have all voltages except CPUGT_PHASE1/2 no image no backlight no usb light, external monirtor or capsLock.
UBC meter shows 20V 0,560A without battery wich seems to me ok.
Fan spins when cpu is hot, when I power off it...
Compared with good board all big coils have same diode mode reading, the only one a little bit off is PP1V2_S3 (L8100) 0.245 (950ohms) vs 0.175 (600ohms) on faulty board.
P1V8G3S_EN is present 1.8V and so sorry PP1V8_G3S is also present 1.8V, I think I just didn't probed the right place...
I have this board with no liquid damage, stopped on its own as customer reports.
PPBUS_G3H 12,62V
PP3V3_G3H 3.3v
PP3V3_G3H_RTC 3.3V
PP3V3_G3S 3.3V
PP1V8_G3S 0V / 0.318
PP1V8_S5 0V / 0.466
PP3V3_S5 0V / 0.320
PP1V1_SLPDDR 0V / 0.365
Coils around PMIC
Hi 2informaticos,
3V3_G3H is steady 3.3V , PPBUS_G3H 12,56V during 14 secondes and 12,32V during 4 secondes, PP5V_G3S 5V during 14 secondes and 3v during 4 secondes
Only L7030 CHGR_PHASE1/2 8.6V during 14 secondes and 11,2V during 4 secondes
No other voltage (even a pulse) appears in any other...
I have a Liquid damage board around U7230, Power button, U9000 and U9080 areas.
Cleaned all corrosion (minor) and replaced R4922.
20V on usbc meter with 100-95mA on all ports.
With battery current draw is only 500-700mA however battery seems a little bit inflated...
P1V1SLPS2R_FB 1.1V...
Thanks for the tip, it works very well with smc bypass and a wire soldered on SMC_ONOFF_L.
All voltages on pages 11 and 58 try to appear, I noted the values below.
I tried heating PCH with flux but didn't change anything...
Page 11
PP3V3_S0= Pulses to 3.3V and goes...