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PPBUS_G3H is 12.56v when the SMC(U4900) is able to communicate with the ISL6259 battery charger(U7000) on its data line. This data line also goes to the battery as can be seen on page 42 of the PDF schematic. When the SMC is fried or something is keeping this data line from functioning you'll...
PPVBat_g3h_conn cannot be 30v since there is nothing that high in this area, even if you have the charger sending 18v directly to the battery(which can happen rarely but machine will turn off ISL if you plug a battery in when the top FET is shorted) it will be 18v. Something is off with those...
go to any ohms law calculator, type in 1 volt, then 27 ohms. what power output in wattage does it give you?
how many watts do you expect a modern powerful GPU to take?
now tell me why it isn't a short.
follow the instructions here to solve the problem
U5870 allows thermal sensors for the CPU, memory, and fin-stack to talk to the SMC.
U5165 generates reference voltage the SMC compares sensor values to. Important for sensors.
Both have junk on them.
If you have a 3.9 ohm short to ground on pin 28 of U7100 then you likely have a bad U7100 or bad C7121. I would start by replacing this. I am surprised that you have SMC_BC_ACOK though if this is the case.
1) Does U7000 have 3.42v on pin 1?
2) Is R7029 on the board?
3) Is SMC_RESET_L present...
Since you say PP5V_S0: 0v I am guessing this is dead. Since you mention PPBUS_G3H and PPDCIN_G3H jumping back and forth I imagine the charger is being shut off due to a short circuit up ahead. What is the resistance to ground on PP3V3_S0/PP5V_S3/the rest? My guess is short circuit to ground on...
What is the resistance between pins 17/18 of ISL6259?
What is the resistance between pins 27/28 of ISL6259?
If answer to those questions is 2.2 and 20.02 respectively, then I would check the soldering of the chip.