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  • e no momento tenho uma placa de um teclado mac air 820-00165A e trackpad no osx não funciona suponho que seja o PCH
    Welcome to the forum!

    Please, use an english translator.
    If trackpad and keyboard works before login to macOS, then you have a problem enabling SPI mode.
    Check all TPAD_SPI_ resistors.

    Post your problem on the forum, to get faster reply...

    I would like to email Louis directly but I cannot find his email through YouTube etc, as expected and I'm not 'in the business' as far as entertainment goes. I have a few questions for him and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.

    Kind regards,

    Hello, I'm looking for a specific boardview for almost one year and now I found it. But the problem is, it's on chinafix.com and I am not able to sign up. Please if you are able to download this 7z file (or you know someone who has access) and could make it publicly available (or at least just send it to me) I would be very thankful. Best regards https://www.chinafix.com/thread-1265978-1-1.html
    Hola! Queria consultarte ya que veo que sabes muchisimo del tema. Tengo una 820 00923 que ingreso sin vida. Corto en PPBUS_G3H en un capacitor. Lo quite y todo ok. Cambie u7000 porque no tenia PM_EN_P3v3_G3H... En L7030 = 0V - F7000 = 1.0 V) SMC_RESET = 3.3 V BUF_SMC_RESET =3.3V, tengo los 20V del cargador en D6902. Alguna idea de que podria ser? Continuidad en PPBUS_G3H me da .450
    Primero ¡bienvenido al foro!

    Todavia falta PPBUS_G3H?
    Seria mejor que abras un hilo con ese tema...
    Hola, gracias por responder! Debo comprar una membresia para ello cierto? O donde dices que publique?
    Puedes leer el foro gratis, pero debes suscribir para publicar.
    Si necesitas una ayudita rapida, escribeme un email, o por Skype.
    I have A1707 Macbook Pro with no image output on the internal screen as well as on external monitor using USB-C adapter.
    Haptic feedback is present.
    When it's connected to the charger (takes 20V)fans are spinning, there is USB activity, keyboard lights up (Caps Lock LED turns on n off) as well as the touchbar. I am able to hear sound when typing.
    U9850, U9800 were replaced from the donor board but nothing changed
    Do You have any ideas what should I check?
    Thanks in advance
    MacBook pro A2141 not turning on just shows battery charging sign any advise before ordering a new batter, please
    New machines have strange behaviour if battery is not detected.
    I recommend to test with known good working battery, even old one.
    Be sure to use correct charger, according with the power required by your Mac.
    Hola informaticos !
    primero que nada, gracias por el espacio y la ayuda que das a todos en el foro.
    he pagado el dia de ayer la subscripción y me gustaría saber cuando es que podre comenzar a escribir posts.
    gracias !
    Listo, muchas gracias ya puedo escribir en el foro !!! :)
    Good Afternoon, firstly I'd just like to say, I love what you do here at Rossmann repair group and wanted to check out your forums. Can I ask, how do I get access to post on the forums? Or is this a subscription only service? Thank you for your time, Richard.
    • Like
    Reactions: ChrisM
    same question...
    I only get " You have insufficient privileges to reply here. "
    From what I can tell, it's a $29/month subscription to use the forum.
    I'd pay a one-time fee (even a larger fee) to access the forum, but board repair isn't my job and I'm not getting paid regularly by the startup I work for. So I'm worried that I won't be able to keep a subscription going. It does seem like this is the place to chat with the world experts though.
    I've had 2 boards fail (A1466 for a friend, A1398 - main personal laptop), for different issues (C1910, GPU). Both happened soon after fitting replacement batteries from Simplo. I really wish I could confirm this theory. I'll post more details over on iFixit.
    hi need help on an 820-00239. I write here because I can not write on the Forum. I got only 5V 0mA on Amperemeter. PP3V3_G3h: 3,42V PPBUS_G3H: 0V I can not finde any shorts. hope you can help me to rescue the Mac. Thanks
    Hola, tengo un Air de 2015 con placa 820-000165A recién cambiada. El problema es que no carga, no tiene sonido, no va la webcam y observo que la placa viene sin S/N. Será tema de BIOS? No sé que mirar.
    Yo compré la placa base 820-00165A. Con esta placa el equipo enciende pero no ve dispositivo de audio, no va la webcam, no carga batería ni se enciende el led del cargador. Entiendo que debe ser problema de la placa nueva, ya que si conecto la batería a la placa base vieja y a la placa I/O, la batería carga y el led del cargador enciende.
    La placa vieja me la reventaron con un reballing y le salió una burbuja y con esta el portátil no funciona. Si la placa I/O estuviera mal, no cargaría tampoco, y por más que hago reset de SMC y NVRAM con las teclas, no consigo nada.
    Aquí puedes ver información del sistema. https://photos.app.goo.gl/kyum4DXy37nQuc5p8
    Con la batería cargada con la placa vieja el portátil funciona y la va gastando. Cuando está a cero, la ve también pero no la carga, la tengo que conectar de nuevo a la placa vieja para cargarla.
    I troubleshoot the 820-3332-A for "NOT TURN ON". I need some advice for what to do to solve the problem!
    - PPDCIN_G3H = 20V- PP3V42-G3H = 3.4V- PPBUS-G3H = 12.5V- PP5V_S5 = 5V- PP5V_S4 = 5V- PP5V_S3 = 5V- PP5V_S0 = 5V- PP3V3_S4 = 3.3V- PP3V3_S5 = 3.3V- PP3V3_S3 = 3.3V- PP3V3_S0 = 3.3V
    ALL_SYS_PWRGD = 0.05v ??

    My son bought it from Ebay. History unknown. Working for couple days then died !!
    Do you think it's repairable?
    Push Power button, fan spin that's it. Nothing else !
    no LCD backlight. No CAP LED light on the keyboard . U1000 get hot...
    I own a A2551, 2020 MBP and it stopped charging after a software update. Now the battery is all drained, neither i can power it or charge the battery.
    When i read the voltage in usb-c ports it pulls something around 5V then machine reverses the current, then sometimes pulls something like 2A then 0.24A.
    I can see current is flowing in only 3 out of 4 ports. Does this sound like something you've experienced before?
    Did it work good before the software update, for sure?
    You can try DFU restore, but is strange to get different behaviour on the USB-C ports; should all act the same...
    I tried the DFU restore. Configurator Macbook doesn't recognize the dead computer. Malfunctioning usb port makes me think that it might have some other problems too. I don't remember if that usb port was working, but other ports were definitely working (i was using an external monitor and charging while upgrading)
    820-00045 macbook 12 (2015) has no wifi and information in the system, I checked the board is still beautiful and changed the IC U3700 (taken out of the ipad air 2 board) but the wifi is still not available, bluetool still works fine, hope for your help i should check some more on the board
    Hola, tengo un problema con el sensor de temperatura de salida del aire en la placa de un MBP 13" 2012, te adjunto imágenes de donde creo que esta el problema, quería saber tu opinión Imagen Imagen
    Osea la pregunta es si esas piezas de la placa tienen relación con el sensor que me da fallo y si no la tienen saber si me podrías ayudar a saber al menos el nombre del sensor
    Tu placa es 820-3115?
    Entonces tienes que soldar Q5520 y asegurar que tiene continuidad hacia U5511.
    Cualquier sensor de temperatura sacado de otras placas te valdria; misma capsula, claro.
    Hello, I use macbook pro 2012 md103. When I want to replace the battery I accidentally damaged my logic board. I only damage a small part of the logic board, it only makes a little mark on the logic board, but it causes my macbook to take a long time to charge. From 0 to 100% it's took 15hours.
    I don't have any knowledge about fixing the electronic pieces, is there anyone know where/How to fix this?
    Thank you,
    Sorry, I didn't see the message before.
    I can only see was posted Friday, but no date available...

    Looks like only ground trace affected.
    Test if it boots faster without battery connected.
    hi friend
    I have a problem with how to enable UMA for this model MacBook Pro A1286 (820-2850) by jumper ?

    and do you have firmware gmux customize to enable uma

    thanks advance
    thank you so much

    If there are other models, you have the guide to activate Intel. I am very grateful to you.
    The forum goal is to help online in the repair process.
    For personal training courses you must contact forum staff...
    First, thank you
    Secondly, I mean other models have been converted dis to uma
    Hola tengo un MacBook pro 820-3115-b que me llega no enciende da luz verde en el cargador he revisado los voltajes de entrada y parecen correcto sin la batería conectada y con cámara térmica compruebo que el u7000 se calienta . Mi pego ya es que voltajes principales tendría que revisar para saber si anda todo bien . Es decir que voltajes me recomiendas revisar para ver dónde está el problema.
    Disculpa, pero no he visto el mensaje antes.
    Sigues con el mismo problema?
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