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  1. K

    820-01700 no dfu

    This arrived with a shorted nand and bad cd3217. Replaced nands with known good working ones and the CD3217 but still cant get into DFU mode. All AWAKE and SLP2R voltages are present. PPBUS_G3H is 12.30V Amp meter says 20v 0amp wether battery is plugged in or not. Tried jumping SWK003 and...
  2. K

    820-00281 won’t get past login screen

    This arrived with liquid damage that was ultrasoniced by another ship before arriving here. The board boots and goes to the login screen but after entering the password the progress bar loads and at one point the image disappears but backlight stays on. Nothing else happens. Using a good known...
  3. K

    820-01700 data recovery

    Trying to attempt a data recovery a 820-01700 board. The original board had a deep internal short on PPBUS_G3h but SSD power rails were not shorted. I transplanted the T2 chip T2 rom and all of the NANDs to a working board. During DFU revive the first two attempts the screen came on with apple...
  4. K

    820-01700 T2

    This arrived with a shorted T2. While replacing the T2 SOC_VDDSOC_SENSE pad was ripped but all of the other pads are good on the board. Board goes into DFU mode but while trying to restore I get the 4014 error code. Can that be caused by this one missing pad or could it be something else? Ive...
  5. K


    This arrived with no liquid damage or power. When plugged in amp meter goes to 20v and up to .200amps stays there a few seconds and then power cycles. It appears all voltages appear before the power cycle. Only the heatsink gets warm under the thermal cam. What should be checked next?
  6. K

    820-02020 boot issue

    This arrived not booting into the OS. It is very slow booting and only boots into recovery stating the OS needs to be reinstalled. When trying to run first aid the attached errors appears. It is also impossible to get the board into dfu mode. Tried wire method as well. Does this look like a bad...
  7. K

    820-02020 no power

    Arrived with no power and only 5v with UF500 Port power cycling. Replaced UF500 and UF400 from good donar board but no change. DZF664 had a burn mark on it. Replaced it but also no change. PP3V3_AON i8s 0v. UF400 power cycles as well except stays at 0v 0amp What should be checked next?
  8. K

    820-01700 no power

    Arrived with bad nands from bad U9580. Replaced nands and U9580 but pp1v8_ssd0 and pp0v9_ssd0 are 0v when battery is connected but when disconnected the voltages are normal. What can cause this? PPBUS_G3H is 12.60V with batteRY connected and disconnected.,
  9. K

    820-01598 no power

    This arrived with a strange no power. Without battery takes 20v and around 150miliamps. On thermal cam U7710 and u8110 were getting warm. Replaced both but no change except they do not get warm now. Also cannot get it into dfu mode The trackpad also clicks in the case but nothing comes on the...
  10. K

    820-00244 no power

    Arrived with no power. Client claimed liquid damage but no corrosion was found on the board. Discovered Diode mode reading lower then a good board on PPBUS_LIO. When U3100 is replaced, diode mode reading is normal again however once power is applied the same lower reading occurs. Board uses 5v...
  11. K

    820-3462 no trackpad

    This has no trackpad or keyboard. Observed PP3V3_TPAD_CONN is only 1v. Tried different cable and trackpad but no change. What should be checked next?
  12. K

    820-02098 power cycling

    This arrived with no liquid damage. Power cycles every few seconds. Board looks pristine. Checked all coils and do not see any shorts. When magsafe or usb-c is plugged in they both turn on for two seconds then off then on. All voltages appear as well. What should be checked next?
  13. K

    820-01598 fast fan slow

    This arrived with fans spinning fast and slowness. Replaced Q5852-Q5854 but no change. What should be checked next and which program is recommended to find which sensor is at fault. Trackpad works as fine
  14. K

    820-02016 no power

    Arrived with a burnt CD3217 and usbc amp meter going on and off every few seconds. Second port stays on at 5v Replaced bad CD3217 from a donar M1 board but same issue. What should be checked next?
  15. K

    820-00923 no power

    Arrived with liquid damage and severe damage to J9600. Data is important. Diode mode reading on pin 4 J9600 is 0L and donar board is 0.432. Repaired all other traces on J9600 Is data still saveable if U8600 is replaced from donar board?
  16. K

    820-01700 no power

    This arrived with liquid damage around U3100/U3200 area. Replaced U3100/U3200 from same donar board but no change. Amp meter is 5v 0.70amps PPBUS_G3H 12.30V All PMU and LDO voltages are present and it is not in DFU mode. What should be checked next??
  17. K

    820-02098 no audio

    No liquid damage and board looks pristine. No audio even though sound can be adjusted from keyboard and under sound output MacBook Pro Speakers are listed as built in. When playing a YouTube video the timer for the video progresses along with the captions but the video itself remains frozen...
  18. K

    820-00281 no power

    Arrived with no liquid damage with PPBUS_G3H shorted. U1100 was shorted. Replaced U1100, PPBUS_G3H was no longer shorted and had boot current over 2 amps for a few seconds before C8010 burned and smoked. Replaced but now board is at 20v 0 amp draw. PPBUS_G3H was shorted again from shorted u7900...
  19. K

    820-02100 power issue

    This has no liquid damage but has a issue of shutting down randomly. The error message the OS has a issue and needs to be reinstalled comes up. While trying to backup data from target disk mode it will randoml;y shut down. When holding power button to try and turn it back on the mag safe light...
  20. K

    820-00850 liquid damage

    This board came in with liquid damage all around the cd3215. Replaced components but in the middle of replacing cd3215 some minor pad damage happened on board see picture. Every time cd3215 is soldered amp meter cycles from balls bridging. What is the best way to fix this? Does uv mask work if...